Friday, March 23, 2007

One day to go

Hi there,

One more sleep and off we go to la la land. The scene was set last night as Davie spewed pink (sunset trishaw) vomit all over the steps of the Grand Mee Ya Hta out of the taxi window - and I scuttled inside with my head down and embarrassment leaking from every pore.

I thought we were flying to Bangkok, but have just been told (with much head shaking and eye rolling) that we are in fact heading for KL, and from there will fly to Bali. Apparently we are going Air Asia so I won't even have my little personal video on the seat in front of me. :(

I have just been informed that the accommodation may be below my usual standard, and that I will be expected to use something called a 'mandi' to wash myself rather than that overrated and boring shower that I was hoping to have. Matthew is planning on spending about 20c a day as far as I can figure out and Davie finds the idea of scorpions inhabiting our rooms 'cultural.' Goody!

I think that independent travel may be on the cards - and by independent I mean that I will independently upgrade my hotel and leave Matthew and Davie in the hip squalor which they crave.

OK - the next posting should actually be one which documents our travels!!


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