Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Knock knock

Doorways, doors, thresholds, gates - all of these seem to hold some special significance in Ubud.

Last night on our way back from having a few beers we asked a local about the focus on doors (even the doors to our rooms are these red and gold creations with bas relief and columns supporting it all with statues etc..) and were told that they represent mouths to the Balinese people, and it is all about good and evil, as a mouth can take good things and bad things into it's depths.

So, none the wiser we continued on our way.

And which door shall produce Davie? Which doorway will Davie spring from, jack rabbit like? He has been given a new passport ('yes, yes, I'm a great friend of Mark Canning') and will be trying to get himself here tomorrow. Of course now we have the worry about the old passport being the one with the Burmese visa in it - and under which he is booked to fly back from KL. But these are small trifles, and shall not be dealt with until later - at the end of the holiday when we are relaxed and at peace and in need of another dose of absolute hysteria.

Matthew and Tash are getting along well and are starting to chill out - today we pottered off around Ubud (separately - we both like our space!) and Tash shopped (the bead shops - oh my God!) while Matthew walked miles and miles in the hopes of saving a rupiah or two on his lunch, and on the internet (oh yes, I have been dragged about 5 km from where we are staying in order to save about 10p because the internet place 100 metres down the road is a 'rip off' - I personally feel that I just lost 10p worth on my flip-flops wearing out but anyway...)

Matthew right now is happily surfing 'Urban 75' and looks very serene.

Now we are going to go and cross the sacred threshold of a pub to get a beer and talk about how to find Davie when he gets here tomorrow evening (fingers crossed there is a flight!). I'll make Davie do the next post so he can tell you all about it!


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